In a failed attempt to face my demons this collection was born: PUNCH+KISS my demons
Through metaphorical doors, color and my own universes I go towards my higher self. Creating a symbolism that allows me to open, kiss and hit new possibilities.
An infinite on going conversation that transforms in each present.
Full of time and life, I hope to remember who I am and who is coming. I'm looking into my demon's eyes now.
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En un intento fallido de enfrentarme a mis demonios nace esta colección: Punch + Kiss my demons
A través de puertas metafóricas, el color y universos propios me dirijo a mi yo superior. Creando una simbologia que me permite abrazar, besar y golpear nuevas posibilidades.
Una conversacion infinita que se transforma en cada presente.
Llena de tiempo y vida confio en recordar quien soy y quien viene. I´m looking into my demon´s eye now.
A little something I wrote when asked 'what is a message you want to share with the world?’ Without being capable of being there for everyone whilst they are going through dark times hopefully these words might provide some comfort. Its deffs not easy but you just gotta look for the LIGHT.✨